Our Children's Ministry number one priority is to make God so real to our children that they grow into a strong relationship with Him through worship, creative activities, teaching, and media. We believe that God has called us to partner with parents for our children to grow in their relationship with Christ, learn to serve, lead, and share Christ with the world!

What to expect?
By the time your child graduates from Kingdom Kids, our goal is that he/she would have learned and experienced the following:
- Understand and experience God's love
- Begin a personal relationship with Jesus
- Know how to understand and apply Scriptures
- Experience daily intimacy with God
- Understand spiritual gifts and how they operate

Our Volunteers
All of our volunteers are background-checked and trained for their specific areas of ministry.This helps us to make sure that your child receives ministry on his or her level of understanding.

Check-in Time
Your Experience at Kingdom Kids will start every Sunday with check in between 4:45-5:30pm by registering your child with our check-in system.

During the service
Your child will receive an assigned number during the registration process and you will be given the matching number. Please keep this number in order to check out your child after service. If for any reason we need to contact you during the service, you will receive a text message.
Interested in volunteering?
If you are interested in volunteering with Kingdom Kids, please see us on Sunday or sign up below. Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Sign up
1529 Eureka Rd #110, Roseville, CA 7555
Sundays 5PM
You can find out more information at the Connect Table on Sunday at church or follow this link to Join The Team.
The leading pastor and founder of Flame of Fire is Andrey and Natasha Shapoval - Meet our pastors
We start with worship, then go into the word and have communion at the end of service. Throughout the service, we are sensitive and open to the move of the Holy Spirit.
We advise to wear something casual-modest and comfortable.
Get Connected to a Small Group
Sunday: Nursery (6 months - 3 years old), Sunday school (Preschool, Kindergarten - 5th grade)
Mid week: FFxYouth. For more information please follow this link: https://www.ffministry.com/youth
Check out our youtube channel for access to all services
The first step to joining our team is to attend our annually hosted vision tracks. From there you can get plugged in with a small group to keep growing as a community
You can read our full statement of faith here.