We believe in giving God the glory for the things he does in our lives and we believe in the power of testimony to impact those around us. Your testimony can ignite the hope of the hopeless, help restore and build faith and show others how to receive a miracle from God.

Demonic Realm Real?
Emily Roberts shares a powerful testimony of how she came to truly know the Lord, sharing the many experiences she had with friends and family as she made her way from being lost to being in the arms of the Father.

Sacrifice and Breakthrough in Finances
For our entire lives we have been strapped with strife and debt. We lost jobs and money to the point of not having any financial security for the future. KINDOM DOMAIN 2021 God put on our heart to give an offering that was a lot more than we could afford. In fact, it almost wiped out our account...

Two Year Later, Still Pain Free
Julia was experiencing knee pain for about a year before attending Kingdom Domain. Her pain would go up to a 7 or 8/10 when she was using her knee. During Kingdom Domain School in 2016, while Andrey was singing, she experienced God’s strong presence in the room...

Supernatural Provision
David got into a car accident which left him unable to work for a period of time and 10k in debt. God stirred their hearts and they made the commitment to go to KD even though they didn’t know how they would be able to pay for it. Two weeks before KD 2019, David’s boss approached him with a unique job opportunity...
Stronghold of Unworthiness
Dmitry had a mental stronghold of always seeing himself as unworthy and unrighteous before God. He would continue seeing himself with his old sins and unable to come to God in the midst of his struggles. However when Andrey shared this same message at Kingdom Domain in 2018, it was with the power of the Holy Spirit, not just simply words and the message penetrated his heart...
Renewal of Mind
Ilona desired to be closer to God. Her sister paid for her and her husband to come to Kingdom Domain 2018. Even before arriving at Kingdom Domain, they experienced opposition so she knew that it would be a powerful week...

Back Pain Healed in an Instant
When Ivan moved to the US in 2011, he starting working in physically demanding jobs in a warehouse and construction industry. From that time, he began to have back pain which intensified the last 3 months of 2017...
Healed from Sexual Trauma
Since I was a little girl, I was in so much pain. I had been betrayed by a family member and was sexually touched by. a sibling. During Kingdom Domain 2021, I was finally able to forgive and let go of the pain...

Depression was Lifted
Around April, I got sick with Covid. After two and a half weeks of quarantine and self- isolation I fell into depression and was experiencing negative thoughts. Even though I recovered from Covid, a couple of weeks later I continued to isolate and lock myself in my room...

Ability to Smell and Taste Again
Three years ago, I lost my ability to smell and taste. At Kingdom Domain 2021, I was praying for people with the teens, and at the end they decided to pray for me. They gave me a candy to test if my taste and smell came back. I ate the candy and I really tasted my first candy in three years!...
Do you have a testimony?
Partnership is the intentional sowing and watering of seed to ensure a fruitful harvest. Flame of Fire and our Partners walk hand-in-hand in responding to what God is doing locally in Sacramento as well as globally as we send teams all around the world to preach the Gospel and serve people. Each partner’s YES is, first, a YES to the Lord.

1529 Eureka Rd #110, Roseville, CA 7555
Sundays 5PM
You can find out more information at the Connect Table on Sunday at church or follow this link to Join The Team.
The leading pastor and founder of Flame of Fire is Andrey and Natasha Shapoval - Meet our pastors
We start with worship, then go into the word and have communion at the end of service. Throughout the service, we are sensitive and open to the move of the Holy Spirit.
We advise to wear something casual-modest and comfortable.
Get Connected to a Small Group
Sunday: Nursery (6 months - 3 years old), Sunday school (Preschool, Kindergarten - 5th grade)
Mid week: FFxYouth. For more information please follow this link: https://www.ffministry.com/youth
Check out our youtube channel for access to all services
The first step to joining our team is to attend our annually hosted vision tracks. From there you can get plugged in with a small group to keep growing as a community
You can read our full statement of faith here.