Flame of Fire’s vision is not only to make a national & international impact, but to also care for and bring the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in our city and our region. For this very purpose, Kingdom Messengers department was launched. Kingdom Messengers’ vision is to make the name of Jesus known by being His voice to this city and to this nation.

Before Jesus ascended into Heaven, He commissioned all His disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation (Mark 16:15). However, He also commanded them to stay in Jerusalem until they are endowed with the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe that we’re not just called to preach the Kingdom message, but to preach it in the power of the Holy Spirit. As we go out in faith and share the simple message of Jesus on the streets, in schools & hospitals, in malls, in parks we become witnesses of many miracles, signs, and wonders as the sick are healed, demon-possessed get delivered, the blind receive sight, the deaf begin to hear, and most importantly, people get born-again by the amazing grace of Jesus Christ.