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Is God Real? How Do We Know If God Is Real?

David Kovalevich
September 4, 2022
min read

There is no doubt that many people around the world believe in God's existence. But is this belief based on evidence, or is it simply a matter of faith? How can we know if God is real? In this blog post, we will explore the main question "is God real" and try to find an answer. We will look at the evidence for and against the existence of God, and see what conclusions we can draw from all of this information. Stay tuned – it's going to be a fascinating journey!

God Exists?

Human Beings Personal Experiences

There is certainly a lot of evidence to suggest that God exists. For example, many people have had religious experiences at church or even at home that they could not explain. These experiences often leave people with a strong sense of awe and wonder, and they often feel that they have been in touch with something divine. Want to experience God personally, join us for our annual conference: Kingdom Domain 2023!

There are also many phenomena that science cannot explain, such as the placebo effect or near-death experiences. These events suggest that there is more to life than what we can see and touch – there is an unseen realm that is beyond our understanding. Some people believe that this unseen realm is what we call God.

Natural World

There are also scientific arguments for God's existence. For example, the entire universe is fine tuned for life, which suggests an intelligent creator designed it. The complexity of human life also indicates design, as it could not have arisen through natural selection alone.

So, is God real? There is certainly evidence to suggest that he is. However, everyone will have to come to their own conclusions on this matter. What matters most is not whether or not such a God exists, but how we live our lives in light of this knowledge. Want to learn about God, join our school of ministry.

Arguments For and Against the Existence of God

When it comes to the question of whether or not God is real, there are two main camps: those who believe in His existence (Christian faith), and those who do not. Each side has its own set of arguments, which we will explore in this section.

The first camp is made up of those who believe that God exists. This group includes many people from different backgrounds and walks of life. Some believe in God because they have had a personal experience with Him, while others believe based on what they see in the world around them. Here are some common arguments that people use to support the belief that God is real:

Arguments for the Existence of God

The Argument from Design

This argument states that the world is so complex and orderly that it must have been created by an intelligent being. The universe is like a watch, and it is impossible to believe that such an intricate piece of machinery could have come into existence by chance. This points to the fact that God created the universe.

The Argument from Miracles

This argument states that miracles are evidence of God's power and presence in the world. Miracles are events that do not have a natural explanation, and they point to the fact that there is something beyond our understanding at work in the universe.

The Argument from Prophecy

This argument states that many people throughout history have accurately predicted future events. These predictions could not have been made without the help of divine intervention, which proves that God exists and is a personal God who is involved in human affairs.

Man on his knees praying

The Argument from personal experience

This is a subjective argument, but many people believe that their own personal experiences with God are evidence of His reality. These experiences could include things like answered prayers, a sense of peace or joy in difficult times, or a feeling of being loved and accepted despite one's flaws. Want to learn more about God or encounter Him personally, join our Bible College.

Arguments Against the Existence of God

The second camp is made up of those who do not believe that God exists. This group includes atheists, agnostics, and skeptics. People in this camp generally don't believe in anything that cannot be proven by science. Here are some common arguments that people use to support the belief that God is not real:

The Argument from Evil

This argument states that the existence of evil and suffering in human existence is incompatible with the belief in a good and loving Christian God. If God is a supreme being, then He should be able to prevent evil from happening such as sickness in the human body.

The Argument from Nonbelief

This argument states that there are many people who have never heard of Christianity, or been exposed to its teachings or religious belief. If creator God is real and wants everyone to know about Him, then He would make Himself more known throughout the world.

The Argument from Science

This argument doesn't believe in the idea of supernatural beings. Instead, it states that science has disproven many of the claims made by religion. For example, we now know that the earth is not flat, as was once believed by many Christians. On the other hand, the big bang theory is only a theory and not a fact.

Questions About God's Existence

How do we know if God is real?

Scientists have never tried to prove God exists because they have no way to determine it by doing experiments. And it does not make sense what scientific findings about our material world or Universe reveal about God. Any cosmic system is believed to be consistent with God.

Who created God?

When we talk about God, we are dealing with something that is beyond our understanding. In fact, the Bible says that "God is a mystery." (1 Timothy 3:16) So it is impossible for us to completely comprehend everything about Him. However, there are some things that we can know for sure about God. For example, how old is god? We know that He is eternalHe has always existed and He will always exist. This is what makes Him God.

Isaiah 44:6 says: "I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no god." This verse tells us that God is unique – there is no one else like Him. He is eternal and without beginning or end, and He is the creator of all things.

Some people might try to argue that it is not possible for something to exist forever, but this argument simply does not hold up against scrutiny. There is no logical reason why something cannot exist forever – in fact, it seems more reasonable to believe that something could exist forever than to believe that it could not. Therefore, when we look at all of the evidence, it seems clear that God exists – and that He is a mystery beyond our understanding.

Is the universe infinite and eternal?

Many philosophers and theologians argue from different perspectives. Why does the universe seem to follow mathematical laws, and are those laws inevitable? Why does it exist in the first place? Was it created by someone? Does a God exist? Or maybe multiple Gods do?

According to the Bible, the universe is not infinite and eternal. If it was, then it would be considered God. If we believe that God is real, then the universe needs to have some kind of end. Creation is never bigger than its creator.

At about the same time the universe began, we were created. In Jeremiah 1:5 it says that before God formed us in the womb, He knew us. The Bible says that God created the universe (Genesis 1:1). This means the universe had a beginning – it was not always here. And since it had a beginning, it must also have an end.

Jeremiah 51:15 says: "He made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding." This verse tells us that God is responsible for creating the universe and everything in it – including us! Therefore, we can trust that He knows what He is doing and that He has a plan for our lives.

What is God's real name?

Yahweh translates as the Hebrew name for Israel's God. The term "YHWH" consists of a sequence in which the consonant Yod, Heh, Waw, Heh. It is also called Tetragrammaton.

What did God say about Himself?

In the book of Exodus, God reveals Himself to Moses and tells him His name is "I AM." (Exodus 3:14) This is significant because it is the first time that God speaks about Himself in the Bible. There are the seven spirits of God but that is a different topic.

God is revealing Himself as someone who is eternal and unchanging. He is not like other gods, who are subject to time and change. Instead, He is the one who is always present and always faithful. Religions describe God as a spirit which means He does not have a physical body. For Him to affect this world, He needs a body which makes sense why Jesus the son of God had to come in human form.

When we know who God is – someone who is eternal and unchanging – it gives us a better understanding of His character. We can trust Him to be faithful even when things are tough, and we can rely on Him to be there for us always.

Is God faithful? Can we trust God?

God is faithful. He is always there for us, no matter what we are going through. He is always willing to help us and is always interested in our lives. We can trust God because He is always faithful and true to His word.

When we are going through a tough time, it is comforting to know that we can rely on God to help us get through it. He is a loving God who is always there for us, and He will never forsake us. We can trust Him to be there for us when we need Him the most.

God is also trustworthy when it comes to our future. He has a plan for each of us, and He knows what is best for us. We can trust Him to lead us in the right direction, and we can rely on Him to help us achieve our goals.

What do Christians believe in?

Christianity is based on faith in God. We believe that He is real and that He is interested in our lives. We also believe that He has a plan for us and that He is trustworthy when it comes to our future.

Christianity is also based on the belief that Jesus is the Son of God. We believe that He came to earth to die for our sins and that He rose from the dead three days later. This makes Him unique – no other religion has a founder who died and rose from the dead.

Jesus is someone we can trust completely. When we follow Him, we know that we are on the right path. He is our guide and our Savior, and we can depend on Him to help us through anything.

Who is Jesus Christ?

Jesus is the Son of God – the second person of the Trinity. He is also the incarnation of God, which means that He is God come to earth in human form.

Jesus is unique because He is both fully human and fully divine. He experienced everything that we go through in life, but He also had the power of God working through Him. This makes Him someone we can look to for guidance and support.

When Jesus died on the cross, He paid for our sins. Does God forgive all sins? This means that we can be forgiven for anything we have done wrong, and it also means that we can have a relationship with a personal God. Jesus is our bridge to heaven, and through Him, we can receive eternal life.

The Bible says in John 17:3 that eternal life is to know Him (God). From this, we can see that God is interested in knowing us.

We believe in Jesus Christ because He is the truth – He is someone we can trust completely. When we follow Him, we know that we are on the right path. He is our guide and our Savior, and we can depend on Him to help us through anything. Jesus also gave 5 gifts to us which we call the five fold ministry.

Is there historic proof of Jesus?

Yes, there is plenty of historic proof that Jesus existed and that He was who He said He was. There are many eyewitness accounts of His life, and there is also archaeological evidence that supports the Bible's account of His life.

The historical evidence for Jesus is so strong that even people who don't believe in the Bible have to acknowledge that He existed. This is important because it means that we can trust what the Bible says about Him.

When we look at the historical evidence, it is clear that Jesus was a real person who did amazing things. He died on the cross and rose from the dead, just as He said He would. This proves that He has power over death, and it also proves His divinity.

Conclusion: Is God Real? Does God Exist?

There is plenty of evidence to support the claim that God is real. Not only do we have eyewitness accounts of Him, but there is also archaeological evidence that supports the Bible's account of His life. When we look at all of this evidence together, it is clear that God is a real person who has power over death. Jesus Christ is our bridge to heaven, and through Him, we can receive eternal life. We believe in Jesus Christ because He is the truth – someone we can trust completely. When we follow Him, we know that we are on the right path. He is our guide and our Savior, and we can depend on Him to help us through anything.

How old is God though? Does He have an age?

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David Kovalevich
September 4, 2022
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