At the beginning of 2022, we held our 7th annual Kingdom Domain conference. This is a time when we sacrifice a whole week and devote every minute to Him. Here we gather to worship and listen to the word together and by doing so He transforms our minds and aligns our hearts with His. God released a wave of healing onto His children and set many captives free. He raised us up in glory to see the truth of who He is and who we are-- sons and daughters of God.

The bible says that we are heirs of the kingdom of God. In Romans 8:17 it says, “And if children, then heirs- heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with Him in order that we may also be glorified with Him.” We received this glorious inheritance as children of God not because we earned it but because of His great love and mercy towards us. Since we become co-heirs with Christ and as we step into the inheritance nothing else that is unworthy can stay. There is no room for darkness in our souls because the light lives within us. That means depression, anxiety, fear, sickness, demonic oppression, lies, unbelief, it all has to go! As we gaze at the bright light of Jesus who lives within us everything of the enemy gets pushed out. This was a revelation many of us were reminded of during the conference.

Throughout KD22 we were gazing at Jesus and the darkness got pushed out. While people were worshiping they experienced healings in different parts of their bodies, many received their sight! Some people got healed from pain, and others received inner healing. People were freed of suicidal thoughts, depression, and some were even able to forgive those that hurt them. There were also many financial breakthroughs that people experienced that week. All of these things are possible only with the power of the Almighty God. There are many testimonies of what God did but one specific testimony is about a boy named Mark Morozov who is from Alaska. Mark came to KD struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts and during one night God completely set him free from all of the intrusive negative thoughts! The next day Mark was different, he was joyful and there was this light shining inside of him for all to see. This is what our God does! He removes the darkness and fills us with His light! If you want to read more testimonies, you can find them on our main page at
God has been doing miraculous and amazing things throughout the week of KD and He is continuing to do so every day. We are grateful that each year more and more people join our team and partner with us during this event. We see the hearts of people set on fire for the Kingdom of God and we believe that people will go and spread that fire to every nation. We see the seeds being multiplied and the fruit growing. Friends, we are so grateful to be a part of the move of God together.